Get Involved

No matter who you are, you can have a part in this blessed ministry.  We invite you to sacrificially give of your time, money, and energy for God's glory.

Pray for Us

The most important thing you can do for Efata is pray for us. This is a Biblical truth that is neglected by many Christians.  Please, take time to read our updates and then ask God to bless, help, and encourage us as we serve him. Spending time praying is a sacrifice, just as much as giving is, and those who make that sacrifice will be rewarded.

To stay informed and be better able to pray for us, please subscribe to our blog.


Efata depends on God's provision through churches and individuals. By supporting us financially, you partner with us to reach more deaf and hearing souls for Christ.

Any of the following options are available:

Give online now!


Are you saved? Do you believe in our core beliefs? Do you believe God wants you serving with us? Perhaps you can come to Peru on a short-term missions trip! As well as giving you an opportunity to serve, the experience will touch your heart and give you greater perspective on missions work and deaf ministry in general. Serving God is never easy, but the rewards are great!

 Do you feel a burden to go as a long-term missionary to the Deaf?  We urge you to consider training with us.  Too often, missionaries struggle on the for lack of adequate training and preparation.  Come and spend time with us and get real-world training with an experienced team.

Email us at for more information.